Making An Offer

Time for nervous anticipation. You've found the home you want, and your Prudential California Realty Sales Professional says you need to act fast. Yet you want to be as calm and objective as possible. The expertise A Prudential California Realty Sales Professional can give you at negotiating time is priceless.

Negotiating The Buy

The expertise a Prudential California Realty Sales Professional can give you at negotiating time is priceless.

Be prepared for counter offers. Don't let the pressure get to you. Remain patient, and let your Prudential California Realty Sales Professional act as your liaison with the seller or the seller's agent. You may need to be flexible on price, closing date, appliances and repairs.


Beware of putting contingencies in your purchase agreement. They weaken your offer. However, if you currently own a home, your offer may need to be contingent on it selling. Or, if you're uncertain about the structural integrity of the home, you may want to have a home inspection contingency. Just be aware any contingency could take you out of the running if a non-contingent offer is presented.

Earnest Money

Once your offer is accepted, be prepared to seal the deal with earnest money. Earnest money is usually a percentage of the home's purchase price that indicates you're serious about the purchase and indicates your good faith. It's generally applied to the purchase price when you complete the purchase, but may be forfeited to the seller if you fail to complete the purchase. Contact your Sales Associate to determine the amount of earnest money you should be prepared to pay based on your target home price.

Many first-time buyers are taken by surprise when it comes to earnest money, especially if they have to make a fast offer. Be sure to discuss with your REALTOR the appropriate amount of earnest money you should be prepared to pay based on the price range of properties you're looking at. You should have this amount available in your checking account so you can write out an earnest money check on the day you sign your purchase agreement.

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